Get access to the State of the Graphic Paper Industry Q3 2023 Update video by filling out the form below. Once submitted, you will be redirected to the video and an email will be sent to your inbox with the access link.
Hear from Greg Lovensheimer

Millcraft Chief Operating Officer Greg Lovensheimer will again deliver his macro- to micro-level overview of current domestic and global graphic paper industry trends and provide insight, strategy and actionable guidance on navigating a commercial marketplace that remains in a state of flux.
Some topics that Greg will cover:
- Analyzing the primary drivers of demand (or lack thereof) in the first half of 2023.
- Gaining a deeper understanding of how graphic paper producers have adapted to managing supply amidst significant demand declines, surpassing even the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Keeping track of the industry-wide efforts led by NPTA to enhance analytical insights into inventory, supply, and demand levels among suppliers, merchants, converters, and printers.
- Unveiling the latest insights on when volume levels are expected to return to "normal," along with short and long-term projections for graphic paper pricing.
- Your Questions: Just ask.