Join us November 14th at 1:30 P.M. EST for our virtual
"Millcraft Creative Meet-Up"
Millcraft and Sappi are excited to present a unique opportunity to engage with a design legend, Kit Hinrichs.

Speaker Information

Kit Hinrichs served as principal in several design offices in New York and San Francisco and spent 23 years as a partner of Pentagram before opening Studio Hinrichs in 2009. His design experience incorporates a wide range of projects, including brand development, promotion, packaging, environmental graphics, editorial and exhibition design. He is also a noted American Flag collector and founder of the Stars & Stripes Foundation.
Kit’s work is included in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Denver Museum of Art, and the Letterform Archive. In addition to authoring “Narrative Design,” he has co-authored five books, including “Typewise,” “Long May She Wave,” and “The Pentagram Papers.” He co-founded @issue: The Journal of Business and Design. Kit has chaired the AIGA California Show (the first regional show in AIGA’s 100-year history), the AIGA Business Conference and San Francisco Design Lecture Series. He is a member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale and an AIGA medalist.
Website: www.studio-hinrichs.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kithinrichs/
Instagram: @kithinrichs